Are you living a life you love?
embark on a new journey…

the journey of a happy warrior…
What does it mean to be a Happy Warrior?
Happiness and inner peace are not just feelings; they’re a mindset and a way of life. It means making a choice to accept and be grateful for ourselves and the people around us. It means that we choose to be purposeful and thoughtful in all areas of our lives. And it means that we are choosing to see how life might actually be happening for us instead of to us.
A Happy Warrior is a person who navigates life with intention, kindness, and courage. A Happy Warrior fights the good fight by choosing love over fear over and over again. Choosing to operate from love is simple, but not easy. The further a Happy Warrior travels on their journey, the more elaborate the life lessons become. A Happy Warrior doesn’t give up; they keep growing and evolving.
gear up for your journey with…
When you live life as a Happy Warrior…
Happy Warriors travel through life gently; they don’t force life to happen; they allow life to unfold. Happy Warriors listen to their heads AND their hearts. They make decisions based on logic, as well as what feels right inside of them. Happy Warriors experience the challenges of life just like everyone else, but they handle the problems, feel their feelings, and make happiness and love their “true north.”
Happiness is not something we can buy or sell, it’s not acquired through a particular accomplishment or event. Happiness is inside each one of us and can be ours at any moment when we decide to embrace it. There’s plenty of happiness for everyone; it never runs out. Happiness is a choice. And the choice is yours.

Happy Warrior - the book
empower yourself in 30 days
In this book you will learn the life-changing
Happy Warrior S.E.L.F. Practice
a simple 4-step daily practice to empower yourself
Discover the Magic of Living in the Present Moment
Leave Your Self-Limiting Beliefs Behind
Connect to Your Best Self
Live a Life You Love
As you begin to show up for yourself, life will start to show up for you.
Taking control of your life may seem overwhelming, but it’s easy to start by taking back control over your thoughts. You can always begin by changing your outlook on happiness. Happiness is not just a feeling; it's a way of life. To live this way, you must be intentional about choosing love over fear in every aspect of your life. Start by being a Happy Warrior.
sometimes a Happy Warrior needs a guide
~ Personal Life Coaching ~
Hire a Life Coach
Have a thought partner who will help you grow
Get to know, accept & love yourself on a deeper level
Identify and reframe self-limiting beliefs that have held you back
Build loving relationships in every area of their life
What does it take to be a Happy Warrior?
In this book, you will learn the life-changing Happy Warrior S.E.L.F. Practice. This simple 4-Step Daily Practice leads to self-empowerment. When you are empowered, you become the author of your life story. You stop reacting to your circumstances and take control of your destiny. This book is designed specifically for people who have trouble getting themselves moving in life.
Choose to be gentle with yourself and others. Take action without trying to change the world overnight, instead working with purpose and intention in all areas of your life—and remembering that you have everything you need already inside of you. Life doesn't have to happen to us; it can start happening for us.
By using the techniques in these pages, you will find that self-empowerment comes quickly when you take small steps and follow through with your intentions. We know that there are times when things don't go quite as planned; sometimes, you lose your nerve or your confidence takes a hit. When that happens, taking control of your life can seem out of reach. Choose to be a Happy Warrior instead of giving up.
“Happiness is not just a feeling; it's a mindset and a way of life.” — Happy Warrior
Happy Warrior available for sale globally at these retailers:
Retailers may purchase this book globally through Ingram.
Choose Self-Empowerment
A Happy Warrior is a person who navigates life with intention, kindness, and courage. Happy Warriors fight the good fight of choosing love over fear, over and over again. Choosing to operate from love is simple, but it’s not always easy. The further a Happy Warrior travels on their journey, the more elaborate the life lessons become.
Happy Warriors don’t give up; they keep growing and evolving. Self-empowerment is not about being perfect. It's about realizing your full potential and making choices that feel right in the moment—even if they may look wrong at first glance. You will get it wrong sometimes, but self-empowerment isn't an end state – it's a process.
Learn to travel through life gently; do not try to force it to happen. Happy Warriors allow life to unfold. They listen to their hearts and make decisions based on logic. Happy Warriors experience life's challenges just like everyone else, but they handle the challenges, feel their feelings, and make happiness and love their true north.
Start Showing Up For Yourself
Happiness is not something we can buy or sell, and it’s not acquired through a particular accomplishment or event. Happiness is inside each one of us and can be ours at any moment when we decide to embrace it. There is plenty of Happiness for everyone; it never runs out. Happiness is a choice. And the choice is yours.
Choose self-empowerment. Taking control of your life is only a few steps away, and the Happy Warrior S.E.L.F. book is your practical guide to a happy life.
“I’ve read dozens of “personal reflection” and “self-growth” books; and while there is always good info to be taken from each; few ever offer the level of engagement and commitment that is gained from Happy Warrior. The book is strong inspiration for the true content — that is; what is created from one’s ‘self’ .... workbook/journal style. This book is a positive, loving, and easy guide to taking things one choice at a time, and one day at a time...just what we all need right now.”