We Want YOU & Your Wisdom!

calling all coaches

Need a Mentor Coach? Want to Join our Tribe?

Hey Coaches!

We've been thinking about you, especially with all the nutty stuff going on in the world. We want to hear more from you and how you're doing.

Something we've been focusing on is Vision, Alignment, and Energy. In order to keep our clients on track, we have to make sure we're clear on our own Vision. In order to stay in Alignment with that Vision and our Higher Selves, we need to maintain abundant Energy levels through self-reflection and self-care. What's the #1 thing you do to stay in Alignment?

We want to hear about that, as well as any other topics that you're feeling inspired to write about. In fact, we are expanding our website to start featuring your thoughts and content!

We're looking for articles of 500 words or less on Mindfulness, Productivity, Relationships, Mind-Body Health, Family, Money, & Style. Please include a short bio and a link to your website. You can also post the article on your site and link back to ours.

Send us your articles or reach out anytime at team@selfscription.com.

We're super excited to share your wisdom!

Choose Love,


P.S. If you know of any other coaches who would like to be a part of this tribe, please send them to Selfscription-Coaching.com to sign up!

Jami Bertini

A do-it-yourself personal development destination for people who want to take their game up a notch, build their self-confidence, and be a little happier.


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