How To Increase Willpower To Achieve Your Goals

How to increase willpower to achieve your goals

Happy Warrior,

When it comes to creating and sticking to new health goals, often, we look at how to increase willpower to achieve your goals. But willpower isn’t enough.

You might say: “But, I’m a warrior! I’m fierce! I’m brave!” While all of these may be true, studies show that your willpower to create lasting behavioral change isn’t enough to achieve your goals.

You need an environment that nurtures and aligns with your wellness goals. You need active and consistent steps to build these environments to match the goals you set for yourself. And, you have to want it strongly enough connecting it with your values and your why.

This might mean clearing out the clutter. If your new year’s goal is to create a healthier diet, this could look like eliminating a specific ingredient from the shelf or a particular food from the fridge. It could look like gaining accessibility to replacements that will align with your goal of cleaner eating. It’s limiting the opportunities for your own personal kryptonite to be anywhere near you.

It might be an environment or social atmosphere that contributes to not creating healthy change. If you find yourself being overly self-critical and thinking you just can’t change this part of yourself, what if it’s your environment or a host of factors outside of willpower that are obstacles on your path? It may be the place you frequent or the food that’s convenient. It may be the habit that is seemingly ingrained, but possible to remove. It could require a support system.

Maybe, you need a strategized plan around kicking a toxic habit. Or, maybe alongside your willpower, you need help and accountability along the journey.

You can still be brave, fierce and a warrior, but thinking about how to increase willpower, alone, is not enough. In addition to your drive, you need steps to achieve your goals. Those steps require a strategy. Implementing your strategy may take accountability.

Occasional flowers push their way through bricks, but the abundant garden is nurtured. It thrives in sunlight, water, and clean air. And, like them, our environment matters if we want to thrive and grow.

Featured Article written by Catherine Gerdes.

Happy New Year!

Choose Love,


how to increase willpower to achieve your goals

Featured Article written by Catherine Gerdes

Catherine Gerdes is the author of True Heart, Solid Boundaries: Spiritual Self-Care for Healing Your Inner Child and Empowering Your Authentic Self. She is a Board Certified Health Coach trained at Duke Integrative Medicine, and also in Ayurvedic health coaching. Catherine is the founder of the Wellthy Coach and a registered yoga instructor who gratefully finds her recharge at the beach. Visit Website:

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