Happy People Let Go Of These 5 Things

“Let go of what no longer works. Create space for what does.” — Happy Warrior

Happy Warrior,

If you could have a Flash Sale on your thoughts, which ones would you want to let go of?

If your mind is your attic, let’s be real, it’s probably a sh*t-show up there, and full of a bunch of things that were useful at one time, but no longer serve a purpose. 

It’s time for a Flash Sale of the mind, and the currency isn’t money. You’re filling up your emotional bank account with lightness, love, openness, and presence. 

These 5 thoughts and feelings belong in your bargain bin: 

1. Frustration & Resentment

Allow yourself to focus your energy on the things you can change instead of the things you can’t. 

2. Lack-Thinking

Whatever you focus on is what you will see. Gratitude is the reset button for lack-thinking.

3. Judgment & Blame

Everyone is imperfect and limited to how they were raised. Compassion creates connection.

4. Disappointment

Get clear on what you want and go for it. Intention is the energy to show up for your life. 

5. Feeling Powerless

Trust that it’s all happening FOR you instead of TO you.

You know what to let go of to be happy.

Happy Spring Cleaning!



Jami Bertini

A do-it-yourself personal development destination for people who want to take their game up a notch, build their self-confidence, and be a little happier.


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