4 Signs That You're A Happy Warrior

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” 
- Abraham Lincoln, from the book Happier

Hey Happy Warrior,

Happiness is not just a feeling. It's a mindset and a way of life. It means making a choice to respect and be grateful for yourself and the people around you. It means that you choose to be purposeful and thoughtful in all areas of your life. And it means that you are choosing to see how life might actually be happening for you instead of to you.

  1. A Happy Warrior doesn't give up; they keep growing and evolving.

  2. A Happy Warrior is a person who navigates life with intention, kindness, and courage.

  3. A Happy Warrior fights the good fight by choosing love over fear, over and over again.

  4. A Happy Warrior travels through life gently. Instead of forcing life to happen, they allow it to unfold.

If you're reading these Notes from Yourself then you are most certainly on the path of a Happy Warrior.


P.S. Our book's coming out next week! Check out the video here:


In The Twilight Zone... What's The Opportunity?


Be a Happy Warrior in 2020 // What is Happiness?