Make Your Dreams Come True in 2020 // Affirmations

If you have a tank full of Intention for 2020 

then Affirmations are the guardrails
that keep you from swerving off the road.

Imagine if you told yourself affirming things
as often as you criticize yourself?
How would that simple shift impact your life?

"I can handle any challenge that comes my way."
"I can do anything I set my mind to."
"I am worthy of love."
"I am enough." 

Be kinder to yourself this year. 
Kindness is Sexy AF.

Happy New Year!


Want to make your dreams come true?

Jami Bertini

A do-it-yourself personal development destination for people who want to take their game up a notch, build their self-confidence, and be a little happier.

Make Your Dreams Come True in 2020 // Self-Care Rituals


Make Your Dreams Come True in 2020 // Intention