How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People

Over the past several years I have been busy growing my business. Most of the time it’s a blast and I enjoy it. Other times it’s a lot to manage. When I feel overwhelmed, I often find myself looking at my friends and wondering why they have it all together, while I am such a mess? Logically I know this isn’t true; however, when I think this way it brings me down and drains my energy.

Many of us waste time comparing ourselves to others. We do it at school, at work, in sports, in our marriages, and even our parenting. Technology, social media, and 24-hour access to other people only make this problem worse. What may have started as a curious look to see how a friend from college is doing has quickly turned into a “measure-up” game. This only leads us down the rabbit hole of low self-esteem, jealously, and anger. How can we stop our need to compare ourselves to other people?

• Stay on your own journey:
There are no two journeys that are the same because no two people are the same. We were raised differently, we have different values and we are guided by different desires and goals. Travel your journey and let others do the same.

• You don’t know what you don’t know
You’re not comparing apples to apples even when you think you are.
You simply don’t know the whole story. How long have they been working on this? How much do they practice? How committed are they to being successful? And so on…….

• A picture is only a snapshot
A picture is taken in a split second. It’s a snapshot of what is happening in someone’s life. What happened minutes, hours or even days before or after the picture is all part of the story. The snapshot simply shows us for that moment that they had it all together.

• It’s all information
How you feel about what you see when you compare yourself to others is all information. Information telling you what needs to be worked on, looked at, or healed, and what you really want in your life.

Ultimately comparing yourself to others robs you of the precious time and energy you need to go for what you want. The only thing stopping you is YOU!

Have a beautiful week!

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Jami Bertini

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