How to Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter

Need Help Getting There?

Happy Warrior,

Your thoughts dictate your reality.

We see it in ourselves, our friends, and our coaching clients. We are all influenced by what we think every day, in the same way that we're influenced by what we eat every day.

If your junk-food intake outweighs your intake of nutritious food then there will be consequences. By the same token if you’re thinking a lot of unproductive, unloving thoughts instead of affirming, encouraging ones, then there will be natural consequences for that as well. 

Productive thoughts are those that open up opportunities for solutions, alignment, and growth. Unproductive thoughts are those that shut down those opportunities. "I don't know what to do," is not solution-minded or productive, whereas "I can handle this," is. "I'm a big fat pig," is unproductive and unloving. "I have the power to change," is the opposite.

3 Tools for a Happy, Productive Mindset:

  • The Gold Star: Acknowledge yourself for the things you do, even if it feels like you could do them longer, better, or more often.

  • Course-Correct: Have a handful of productive thoughts that you can pull out when you catch yourself engaging in unproductive-thinking.

  • Habits v. Goals: Take some of the emphasis off of the end-goals and focus more on the habits and routines required to get you there.

Your thoughts dictate your reality. Loving, productive thoughts create a loving, productive reality. 

Choose Love,


Jami Bertini

A do-it-yourself personal development destination for people who want to take their game up a notch, build their self-confidence, and be a little happier.

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